a natural taste, always

How we make capri-sun
When Rudolf Wild launched Capri-Sun in 1969, he aimed for a natural, portable fruit juice. Since then, we've proudly kept our Original Capri-Sun free from preservatives, artificial flavours and colours, sticking to a simple ingredients list for that timeless taste.
Capri-sun's sugar reduction journey
While sugar is a vital energy source, playing a significant role in nutrition, Capri-Sun has been on a sugar reduction journey for a long time now.
In the last years we have reduced the sugar content of our main recipes by 2g, making them now on average 8g of sugar per 100ml. In some countries, for example the UK, our recipes contain 4.4g of sugar per 100ml thanks to the addition of the natural sweetener Stevia.
We also introduced a broad portfolio of choice, including the ZERO sugar offer, in order to give consumers the possibility to make their own choice.

How does Capri-Sun stay fresh without preservatives?
The secret to how our drinks stay fresh for so long without using preservatives lies in our pouch. Our Original fruit juice drink is poured into the pouch at a temperature of over 80°C. The special protection offered by our pouch ensures we don't need to add preservatives or other artificial ingredients.